Localised unemployment rates
To estimate localised unemployment rates by region, department and employment area.
Previously quarterly unemployment rates by region and department were relative to the situation at the end of quarter and estimated from the series of jobseekers at the end of month (DEFM). The use of the DEFM at national level was abandoned from 2008 in favour of exclusive use of the Labour Force Survey for the calculation of the unemployment rate in the sense of the ILO. The series of regional and departmental unemployment rates are now estimated as quarterly means. Furthermore, the French interpretation of ILO unemployment was abandoned in favour of the European interpretation. The localised unemployment rate methodology was therefore adapted at localised level to take account of these changes. The name "unemployment in the sense of the ILO" was also abandoned for these series in favour of the new name "localised unemployment rate"; these series in fact synthesise the information from employment estimates, the Labour Force Survey (unemployment in the sense of the ILO) and the DEFM (registered unemployment).
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