Global value chains of SME 


Paru le :Paru le17/09/2024

The Survey aims at highlighting the fragmentation process developed by companies which lead them to source activities to other companies located in France or to source abroad some activities previously handled in France or even to relocate in France activities previously handled abroad.

This survey is part of an european project (« International sourcing and global value chains ») coordinated by Eurostat. Sixteen other countries have carried out such a survey (the french scope was different).

A first survey on this topic was carried out by INSEE in 2012, it was also part of an european project (« International organisation and sourcing of business activities »).

The « Global Value Chains » survey carried out in 2012 was a bit different : the legal unit was the statistical unit and the scope covered companies with 50 employees or more.

The survey of 2012 was extending at a European level in a broadly renewed manner the survey elaborated in 2007 under the auspices of Eurostat and called International Sourcing (IS). In France, the IS survey had inspired the "Survey on internationalization strategies" (ESI) which had been carried out on a trial basis one year later on a limited number of sectors.

Documentation par millésimes


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