Register of enterprises with majority control by the state 


Paru le :Paru le11/02/2025

The compulsory administrative Survey of the Register of Enterprises with Majority Control by the State (RECME) isolates enterprises (including subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries) which are directly or indirectly controlled by the French State, i.e. enterprises in which the State may exert a dominant influence due to its possession of a majority of the capital or a majority of the votes associated with the shares issued.

In addition to defining the influence of public groups and assessing their economic importance, this survey results in the compilation of the Register of Enterprises with Majority Control by the State (RECME).

This register aims to:
- Define the scope of public groups;
- Monitor privatisation and nationalisation trends;
- Determine any financial relationships which unite public enterprises;
- Identify the heads of public groups;
- Manage the main "incoming" and "outgoing" elements of the register during the survey year.

Decree 84-966 of 22 October 1984 established the RECME and made INSEE responsible for its production.

Documentation par millésimes


