Health and disability survey - households section 


Paru le :Paru le18/01/2025

The Health and Disability Survey - Ordinary Households Section (HSM) was carried out in 2008, with the aim of measuring the prevalence of various disability situations, focusing in particular on new concepts developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and of assessing the number of people with health problems or in disability situations.

The HSM survey assesses aid needs and measures the social disadvantages experienced by these people in relation to others according to the environment in which these people operate. The Health part of the survey provides indicators for the five-year health act (2004 Public Health Act).

The HSM survey integrates the European survey modules produced by EUROSTAT, in order to improve the comparability of surveys at the European level.

The HSM survey updates the work carried out in the Households section of the 1999 Disability, Incapacity and Dependence (HID) survey.

This survey was carried out for the first time in 2008.

Documentation par millésimes


Punctual or aperiodic

Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics
