System on localised disposable income 


Paru le :Paru le08/02/2025

For some years now, INSEE has been publishing indicators on the tax revenue or declared income (that is before tax) of French households at all geographical levels permitted by the principle of statistical confidentiality: from districts to the whole of Metropolitan France via a range of intermediate geographical units: municipality, area of employment, department, region.

With the Localised disposable income system (RDL), first launched in 2003, INSEE provided a whole set of indicators concerning income after tax (disposable income) at a sub-national level (per department).

The RDL thus supplements the two principal sources of information on household income:

  • The national Social Income and Tax Revenue Survey (ERFS) which has existed for several years and is used for the annual publication of national indicators that are comparable to those provided by the RDL;

  • the Localised Tax Revenue system (RFL) which supplies local data on the income declared by households at municipal, supra-municipal and infra-municipal level.

The RDL was first exploited with the 2004 income declared in 2005 and the local residence tax at 1st January 2005.

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