Monthly workforce movement report 


Paru le :Paru le05/12/2024

The monthly workforce movement report is compulsory for agricultural establishments, industrial establishments, wholesale and retail trade, commercial companies, public or private services, publics offices, ministerial agencies, liberal professions, non-trading compagnies or civil societies, trade unions, associations of whatsoever nature employing at least 50 employers.

This declaration reports recruitment and employment contract terminations.

The regulations that concern the report are defined in the following articles of the French Labour Code: article L 320-1, Decree of 27 February 1987 and article R. 320-1-1 (Order no.76-295 of 2 April 1976; Order no.87-134 of 27 February 1987).

The DMMO reports can be used:

  1. to study workforce turnover according to activity and size of establishment, characteristics of employees (age, gender, etc.), and according to the reasons for employees joining and for leaving (national and local levels);

  2. to calculate an advanced monthly indicator of trends in paid employment at national level across all of the mainly market sectors (collaboration between Dares, Research, studies and statistics department of the Ministry in charge of Labour, and INSEE).

The system was set up in 1975 to monitor whether employment legislation was being respected (especially in terms of hiring after dismissal).

The law of 3 July 1986, which removed the administrative authorisation requirement for dismissal, nevertheless maintained the obligation to make a monthly declaration of workforce movements in order to monitor employment.

The declarations began to be used for statistical purposes in 1976. There have been several phases of development.

From 1976 to 1980, employee numbers and overall flows (numbers entering and leaving in the course of the month) for establishments with 200 employees and more were processed.

From 1981, this was extended to establishments with 50 to 200 employees.

From 1983, a new procedure was set up: information collected from the declaration became exhaustive. In addition to numbers and flows, information was provided on characteristics of employees who were joining or leaving: gender, age, qualification, nationality, type of employment contract or reason for leaving.

This new format was gradually extended to all the regions. In 1984, it covered 17 regions. Those absent were: Bourgogne, Alsace, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees, Auvergne.

In 1985, 19 regions were covered. Those absent were: Bourgogne, Midi-Pyrenees, Auvergne. In 1986, 21 regions were covered, and only Auvergne was missing. All 22 regions have been covered since 1987.

In 1989, declaration of profession according to the classification of professions and socio-professional categories (PCS 1982) was added.

Since 2003, the coding used in administrative sources relating to salaried employment in an enterprise is based on PCS-ESE 2003 and the composite economic classification (NES version 2003).

Plus d'informations

Administrative data

Directorate of Research, Economic Studies and Statistics 

