Enquête sur les investissements dans l'industrie pour protéger l'environnement 2022 

Antipol 2022

Paru le :Paru le08/02/2025

Présentation statistique

Classification system

The activity of the establishment is described according to the divisions of the French activity nomenclature  (NAF rev.2 divisions-(detailed at group level for LPNs)).

05 to 09.19-Extraction Coking and refining

101-Processing and preserving of meat and preparation of meat products

102-Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs

103-Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

104-Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats

105-Manufacture of dairy products

106-Grain processing; manufacture of starch products

107-Manufacture of bakery and pasta products

108-Manufacture of other food products

109-Manufacture of animal feed

110-Manufacture of beverages

120-Manufacture of tobacco products

13-Manufacture of textiles

14-Clothing industry

15-Leather and Footwear Industry

16-Woodworking and manufacture of articles of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials

17-Paper and paperboard industry

18-Printing and reproduction of recordings

20-Chemical industry

21-Pharmaceutical industry

22-Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

23-Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products


25-Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment

26-Manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products

27-Manufacture of electrical equipment

28-Manufacture of machinery and equipment n c a

29-Automotive industry

30-Manufacture of other transport equipment

31-Furniture manufacturing

32-Other manufacturing industries

33-Repair and installation of machinery and equipment

35-Production and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning

Number of employees

20 to 49 employees

50 to 99 employees

100 to 249 employees

250 to 499 employees

500 to 999 employees

1000 employees or more



Centre-Val de Loire




Grand Est

Pays de la Loire





Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur


Overseas regions

Statistical concepts and definitions

The themes focus on investments (hardware entirely dedicated to environmental protection, purchases of production facilities more efficient in terms of environmental issues...), studies (regulatory or investment-related) and current expenditure (collected every 3 years), destined for environmental protection.

This expenditure is allocated according to the areas concerned:

  • Waste water

  • Air protection

  • Capture and storage of carbon

  • Energy

  • Wastes

  • Noises and vibrations

  • Soils; ground and surface water

  • Sites, landscapes and biodiversity

  • Other fields.

Statistical population

The survey covers the establishments of 20 or more employees, with NAF rev.2 code belonging to sections B, C, D. 

The size of the sample is about 11 500 units.

Time coverage

Year 2022