Population census 2018
RP 2018
RP 2018
Présentation statistique
Data description
The results of the census are classified into 7 themes:
Evolution and structure of the population
Couples - Families - Households
Diplomas - Education
Labour force - Employment - Unemployment
Employment characteristics
Foreigners - Immigrants
Classification system
The data disseminated uses:
The French nomenclature of activities: NAF revision 2 adopted in 2008;
The nomenclature of professions and socio-professional categories (PCS) adopted in 2003;
The official geographical code (COG).
- French classification of activities (NAF rev. 2)
- Nomenclatures of occupations and socio-professional categories
- Official Geographical Code (COG)
Sector coverage
Jobs are mainly disseminated according to:
The sector of activity of the NAF, revision 2: in 5, 17 or 38 items;
The socio-professional category of the PCS 2003 in 6 or 29 items;
Working hours, status (salaried or not), employment conditions (trainee, fixed-term contract, permanent contract, etc.).
Statistical concepts and definitions
The municipal population comprises people having their usual residence on the territory of the municipality. It includes homeless people or people usually residing in mobile homes registered in the territory of the municipality as well as inmates in the municipal penitentiary institutions. It is the statistical population comparable to the unduplicated population of previous censuses.
The population counted separately includes some people whose usual residence is in another municipality but who maintain a residential link with the municipality. It includes, for example, pupils or students of full age who live for their studies in another municipality but whose family residence is located on the territory of the municipality or people residing in a retirement home located in another municipality but who have retained a family residence on the territory of the municipality. It is important to count such situations separately, firstly to clarify which commune is really the commune of residence but also to avoid double counting between two communes when their populations are added together.
Decree no. 2019-1302 of 5 December 2019 amending decree no. 485-2003 of 5 June 2003 on the population census removes from the scope of the population counted separately the homeless people attached, according to the law of 3 January 1969, to the commune. The legal populations from 1 January 2017 onwards take account of this change.
The total population is the sum of the municipal population and the population counted separately.
Employment : In the census, working people can be counted at their place of residence or at their place of work. At the place of residence, we speak of the active population with a job. At the place of work, we speak of employment at the place of work or, more briefly, employment.
Since 2004, the census has made it possible to take better account than before of working people who have a job, even if it is occasional or of short duration, and who are otherwise students, retired or unemployed.
A family is the part of a household comprising at least two persons and consisting of:
Either a couple living in the household with, if applicable, their child(ren) belonging to the same household;
Or an adult with his/her child(ren) belonging to the same household (single-parent family).
For a person to be a child of a family, he or she must be single and have no spouse or children in the same household.
A household may consist of no families, one or more families.
A dwelling is a unit of residential accommodation :
Separate, i.e. enclosed by walls , with no communication with any other unit except with the common parts of the building (corridor, staircase, etc.);
Independent, i.e. having an entrance with direct access to the outside or to the common parts of the building.
Dwellings are divided into four categories: main residence, secondary residence, occasional residence, vacant dwelling.
Mobile homes and premises used for habitation within communities (retirement homes, hostels, religious communities, etc.) are not considered as dwellings. Dwellings located within a community (known as << staff dwelling >>;) are considered as dwellings.
A household, as defined by the population census, refers to all people who share the same main residence, without these people necessarily being related to each other. A household may consist of a single person.
Statistical unit
Dwelling, the household, the family, the individual.
Statistical population
People residing in metropolitan France, in the overseas departments except Mayotte, and in the overseas collectivities of Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
The other overseas territories carry out full enumeration every five years by way of derogation (Article 157).
The last full enumeration in Mayotte took place in 2017. Mayotte is going to integrate the annual census surveys in 2021 and will be subject to a joint dissemination to the metropolitan territories and other DOMs from the 2023 census.
Time coverage
Year 2018
Base period
Not applicable