Labour force survey 2021 

LFS 2021

Paru le :Paru le15/02/2025

Présentation statistique

Data description

The LFS questionnaire is structured around the following themes:

  • a description of the household and its members;

  • the status of an activity according to the ILO definition;

  • a detailed description of the current main job (occupation, working time, kind of contract, income from work, etc.);

  • the level of education and participation in training;

  • the receipt of benefits, including unemployment benefits and old-age pensions;

  • health status;

  • social and geographical origin;

  • labour market trajectory over the past 12 months.

In 2021, the complementary module focuses on the labour market situation of migrants.

Statistical concepts and definitions

The LFS provides a measurement of activity, employment and unemployment according to the ILO definition. It gives a description of the job (status, occupation, working time...) according to european classifications / definitions.

It measures the concepts related to formal and non formal education following the european approach.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

Persons aged 15 to 89, living in: ordinary housing.

Time coverage

The complete year.