Labour force survey (LFS) Mayotte 2013
LFS Mayotte
LFS Mayotte
Présentation statistique
Data description
The LFS Mayotte questionnaire is structured around the following themes:
- a description of the household and its members;
- the status of an activity according to the ILO definition;
- a detailed description of the current main job (occupation, working time, kind of
contract, etc.).
- the description of the employing institution
- The caracteristics of job search activities
- the level of education and participation in training;
- the situation one year before the survey (place of residence, labour market situation,
- the past and desired geographic mobility ;
- casual activities ;
- incomes.
Classification system
See the link
Statistical concepts and definitions
The survey provides a measurement of activity, employment and unemployment according to the ILO definition. It provides a description of the job (status, occupation, working time...) according to european classifications / definitions.
Statistical unit
Statistical population
Persons aged 15 or more, living in a private household.
Link towards definition
Time coverage
From March to July