Spatial comparison survey on consumer price levels within France 2015

Paru le :Paru le22/09/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

Price level differences are calculated for different consumption baskets, in particular those of the overseas departments and the metropolitan territory to measure the impact of different consumption patterns between territories.
As far as field observations are concerned, the survey is based as much as possible on the surveys carried out for the CPI, but the reconciliation of products between territories requires additional specific field surveys.
The comparison is made between:
- the metropolitan territory and the overseas departments,
- Corsica and other metropolitan territories,
- Ile de France and other metropolitan territories.

Classification system


Sector coverage

Commercial goods and services consumed in the territories of the investigation.

Statistical concepts and definitions

The survey data are based on the observation of a consumption basket. Differences in price levels are calculated by major consumption functions (food, clothing, durable goods, manufactured goods, services) as well as for the overall consumption.

Statistical unit

The scope of the spatial comparison survey on consumer price levels between territories is all market goods and services consumed by households on each pair of compared territories.

Statistical population

The household sector to which the definition refers includes all individuals or groups of individuals irrespective of, in particular, their position in the income distribution and their nationality or residence status.

Prices are recorded on retail outlets.

Time coverage

The survey is isolated. It was carried out from February to April 2015.

Base period

Base 100 = 2015