Survey on environmental protection studies and investments 2015
Antipol 2015
Antipol 2015
Traitement statistique
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
ANTIPOL 2015 was collected via the Internet and possibly by post (at the company's request).
Current expenditure has been collected every 3 years since 2004.
Unit in which the values are measured :
- Staff at 31/12/2015 (EFF_ETAB), Number of FTEs assigned to the environment (EFF_ENV):
in number of persons employed
- Amounts (Studies and investments to protect the investment) : in kilo-euros
- Share of purchases of services (PART_ACHAT), investments for the environment (I3,
PART_ENVIR) and breakdown of integrated investments (IE, ID, IA, IG, IB, IS, IP, IR
and TOT_PCT): in percentage (%).
Data collection period
The collection period ran from June 16 to October 28, 2016.
Collection mode
- By post mail
- By Internet
Survey unit
- Local unit (of an enterprise)
- Legal unit
Sampling method
The frame is the statistical directory of companies (SIRUS).
The sampling method is stratification by industry, unit size and location (since the reference year 2014). The allocations are optimized on the amounts of research and investment in previous surveys (Neyman allocation). They are completeness beyond a certain threshold.
Sample size
11,024 units
Data validation
- Controls during the collection phase
- Follow-ups during the collection phase: exhaustive reminders by mail on non-respondents,
priority telephone reminders on large non-respondents
- Clearance to ensure consistency of responses within each questionnaire
- Winsorisation: control of the influence of atypical units
- Calculation of precision indicators
Data compilation
See methodological note.