Housing Maintenance and Improvement Work Index 


Paru le :Paru le13/09/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet

Survey unit

Legal unit

Sampling method

The survey base consists of the legal units surveyed by the annual sector Survey (ESA) of  construction companies. It is restricted to legal units that verify the three following criteria:
- its Siren number (registration number) ends with one of the two figures held in the year in question, so that a complete "cycle" of renewal of the sample lasts five years;
- its reported or imputed turnover of building maintenance and improvement works is 200,000 euros or more in at least one of the ten NAF4 level classes;
- the legal unit is part of either the "comprehensive strata" of ESA construction survey or the "random stratum" (once the legal units already surveyed during the five-year cycle of completion are withdrawn). The objective is to limit the statistical burden on the smaller legal units.

Sample size

About 1,000 companies are interviewedeach quarter in order to establish the IPEA indices. They transmit 2,000 quarterly prices.


All IPEA indices are raw indices, i.e.e not seasonaly or working days adjusted.