Building and public works index (1974 and 1975 references - stopped)

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Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

Costs , construction

Statistical population

The main activities of the Section F: construction, NAF 2008.

At their initial development, the indices  BT and TP were articulated with the classification of activities and products in force at that time : NAP 73.
Although  these indices were not subsequently readjusted on NAF and CPF, they are listed (in the table downloadable from the "Related Documents" part) by NAF activity code 2008 and / or CPF 2008 in order to facilitate the choice of the right index, through lecture notes available on the nomenclature the site of INSEE.

The indices BT and TP do not give rise to a new survey, but use existing official statistics, including OPISE device to form elementary indices.

Conceptually, the unit observed on its costs is a branch or a sub-branch of activity of French construction companies.