The Notaires-INSEE housing prices indexes Insee Méthodes N°128 - July 2014

Dernière mise à jour le : 01/07/2014

Measuring the changes in housing prices is a prerequisite to the proper functioning and transparency of these markets. In conjunction with the French civil-law notaries (notaires), INSEE has developed a method to produce regular and reliable price indices of used dwellings, the Notaires-INSEE housing price indices. It was first introduced in INSEE Méthodes no.98 (David et al., 2002), then in a revised version, "version 2", in INSEE Méthodes no.111 (Beauvois et al., 2005). The latest INSEE Méthodes presents a new version, "version 3", of the Notaires-INSEE housing price indices.

Contents (pdf, 45 Ko )

Abstract (pdf, 24 Ko )

Appendix 11 (pdf, 86 Ko )