Insee Première · September 2024 · n° 2013
Insee PremièreMore than 70% of France's industrial energy bill was concentrated in five regions in 2022

Noémie Grandperrin, Benoît Riem, Julien Silhol (Insee)

The energy bill of industrial establishments with 20 or more employees increased in 2022. Five metropolitan regions contributed to 71% of this bill: Hauts‑de‑France, Grand Est, Auvergne‑Rhône‑Alpes, Provence‑Alpes‑Côte d'Azur and Normandie. The most energy‑intensive industrial sectors are concentrated in these regions, particularly the steel and glass industries. Local employment can be heavily dependent on these energy‑intensive activities, especially in certain employment zones in the north and south of France.

The price of energy varies greatly from one establishment to another. Those that consume the least, often smaller, pay more on average for their energy. Establishments adopted different strategies to cope with rising energy prices. Half of them increased the selling price of the final product, almost as many cut their margins, a few have been forced to reduce activity, and some have also made long-term investments to limit their energy consumption.

Insee Première
No 2013
Paru le :Paru le04/09/2024