Insee Première · February 2024 · n° 1985
Insee PremièreOne enterprise in two used subcontracting or carried out subcontracting work in 2021

Alain Larmat (Insee)

In 2021, 38% of enterprises in the non-agricultural and non-financial market sectors used subcontracting, for an estimated amount of 372 billion euros, nearly 13% of pre-tax turnover. Support functions were the most outsourced.

International subcontracting was mainly ordered by enterprises with 250 or more employees : almost a third of them used it, compared to 4% of all enterprises. Most of this work was carried out in Europe.

One enterprise in four, and even one in three in the construction sector, carried out subcontracting work.

Half of all enterprises were involved in a subcontracting chain, but one enterprise in ten was both a contractor and a subcontractor.

The health crisis had a financial impact on the entire subcontracting chain, with subcontractors being the most affected.

Insee Première
No 1985
Paru le :Paru le21/02/2024