Insee Première · January 2024 · n° 1981
Insee PremièreOn average, personal services represent 4% of paid employment, and up to 6% in the South-West

Grégoire Borey, Jérémy Warmoës (Insee), Marie Beltzung, Martin Lefebvre (Dares)

Each week In France in 2019, one million employees on average worked in personal services. They represented 4% of all employees, and up to 6% in some departments in the South-West of France.

Direct employment was still dominant in the sector: two out of three employees were exclusively employed by private individuals, while the others were employed by personal services companies or both. The hourly wages were higher for private individuals employees than for others. 41% of private individuals employees worked for three or more private individuals.

Women represented 90% of personal services employees. In 2019, 34% of employees in personal services were over 55, often in part-time jobs and one out of four also worked in other sectors. In personal services, women got higher annual salary: their hourly wages were lower, but they worked more hours.

Insee Première
No 1981
Paru le :Paru le24/01/2024