Insee Première · November 2023 · n° 1972
Insee PremièreBetween 2013 and 2022, the population increased particularly around the borders with Switzerland and Luxembourg

Dorothée Ast (Insee)

Between 2013 and 2022, the population of the territories close to the French borders changed in contrasting ways. It increased particularly around the borders with Switzerland and Luxembourg, especially on the foreign side. It also grew near the borders with Spain on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, with Andorra, and along the Rhine on the German border. Around the Italian border, the population trend was very different: it expanded on the French side, but declined on the Italian side, in line with national trends. Near the Belgian border, the population remained stable or fell in the French départements, and rose moderately on the Belgian side.

In the French border departments, births generally outnumbered deaths, with fertility remaining higher than in neighbouring countries. On the other side of the border, population growth was sustained mainly by more new residents arriving than people leaving.

The population aged between 2013 and 2022 on both sides of the French border, and the working-age population declined almost everywhere.

Insee Première
No 1972
Paru le :Paru le09/11/2023