Insee Première · September 2023 · n° 1967
Insee PremièreNational Economic Wealth in 2022  Growth moderated by falling property prices

Inès Karmous (Insee), Aurélien Ravary (Banque de France)

By the end of 2022, France’s national economic wealth (or net worth) amounted to 20,052 billion euros. Growth continued but at a slower pace than in 2021 (+5.6% after +9.1%). The households net worth stagnated after a dynamic growth (+0.3%, after +8.7% in 2021) due to the decline in property prices, and reached 14,791 billion euros. The net worth of non-financial companies increased (+18.3%, after +8.7% in 2021) like those of public administration, mainly due to the accounting effect of the market value drop in debt securities and the rise in non financial assets.

Financial corporations net worth decreased, reaching 395 billion euros.

Insee Première
No 1967
Paru le :Paru le20/09/2023