Insee Première · July 2023 · n° 1962
Insee PremièreEnterprises set up in 2018: eight out of ten still active three years after launch

Audrey Baillot (Insee)

Three years after starting up, 82% of enterprises set up in the first half of 2018, excluding “micro-entrepeneurs” (a specific status for self-employed entrepreneurs), were still active. This percentage is 7 points higher than what was observed among newly-born enterprises in 2014. Sole proprietorships have survived more often than those set up in 2014 whereas the sustainability of companies was stable.

After three years, four enterprises out of ten employed at least one employee in addition to the business manager. The result in terms of employment was positive with 40,000 additional jobs between 2018 and 2021.

Disturbed by the Covid-19 pandemic after just two years in business, two-thirds of enterprises still in operation in 2021 used one of the aid shemes introduced at that time.

Insee Première
No 1962
Paru le :Paru le24/07/2023