Insee Première · July 2023 · n° 1960
Insee PremièreSpaces dedicated to economic activity account for half of all private sector salaried employment

Kim Antunez, Matthieu Bédué, Maxime Simonovici (Insee)

Space dedicated to economic activity is clustered in 13,700 areas, which gather half of all private-sector salaried employment. On average, establishments in these areas have 2.8 times more employees than in other locations, and these jobs are over-represented in the commuting areas of major conurbations. More than a quarter of salaried jobs in these establishments are in industry.

A quarter of the country's private salaried employment is concentrated in just 350 areas. Areas with the most private-sector employees are more often located in urban clusters, where tertiary economy, especially business services sector, has a particularly strong presence. More than half of the establishments in areas dedicated to economic activity active in 2019 settled there less than 10 years ago.

Insee Première
No 1960
Paru le :Paru le12/07/2023