Insee Première · May 2023 · n° 1950
Insee PremièreNational French accounts in 2022 Economic activity completed its rebound, as prices strongly increased

Fanch Morvan, Benjamin Quévat, Thomas Laurent (Insee)

In 2022, economic activity completed its rebound initiated in 2021: real GDP increased by 2.5% after +6.4% in 2021 and -7.5% in 2020. This increase was mainly due to an overhang effect, with weak growth throughout the year but an average level higher than in 2021, a year that was still heavily affected by the health crisis in the first half. The year 2022 was also marked by a sharp rise in prices, largely due to a rise in energy prices.

Households gross disposable income accelerated in current euros, but less than consumption prices, so that average purchasing power (per consumption unit) fell slightly (-0.3% after +2.1%) The margin rate of non-financial corporations decreased with the end of the support measures linked to the health crisis, and went back to a level close to that of the pre-crisis period. The national borrowing requirement deepened by 2.5 GDP points, and reached 3.7% of 2022 GDP (€97.6bn), mainly due to a deterioration of the foreign trade balance.

Insee Première
No 1950
Paru le :Paru le31/05/2023