Insee Première · May 2023 · n° 1947
Insee PremièreIn 2021, employment in the public service has increased again

Nathalie Donzeau (Insee), Pascal Godefroy (DGAFP)

At the end of 2021, 5.7 million people worked in the civil service, 21,300 more than a year earlier (+0.4%), a smaller increase than in 2020 (+0.6%). Employment increased significantly in the local civil service (+0.9%), more moderately in the hospital civil service (+0.5%), but was almost stable in the state civil service (-0.1%). Converted to full-time equivalents, annual employment including subsidised contracts increased by 1.2%, more strongly than employment at the end of the year, contrary to 2020.

The number of civil servants, which represented two-thirds of public employees, fell by 0.5% in 2021, while the number of contractual workers increased by 2.8% and the number of subsidised contracts beneficiaries rebounded sharply (+19.9%).

Entries and exits in the civil service increased in 2021. The number of contract workers rosed to 354,900 and accounted for 69% of all entries. The proportion of employees who were in the civil service for only part of the year increased. This situation was more frequent in the territorial civil service.

Insee Première
No 1947
Paru le :Paru le23/05/2023