Insee Focus · January 2023 · n° 289
Insee FocusIn 2021, the decline in the number of housing assistance beneficiaries slightly less marked in the Priority Neighbourhoods

Claire Formont (Insee), Laurent Jacquemin (Cnaf)

In December 2021, half of the people living in a Priority Neighbourhood of the urban policy received housing benefits from the family allowance funds. This proportion was significantly higher than in the country as a whole (17%) ; indeed, the standard of living of recipients is lower in these neighbourhoods, the share of tenants was twice as high and social housing comprised 70% of the main residences. The number of households receiving housing benefits fell sharply in Priority Neighbourhoods between late 2020 and late 2021 (-7.2%), mainly as a result of the reform introduced in January 2021 and the improved economic situation. This decrease was slightly less than for the French territory overall (-8.8%).

Insee Focus
No 289
Paru le :Paru le30/01/2023