Insee Première · December 2022 · n° 1934
Insee PremièreFirst estimates for 2022 Agricultural Accounts Rising prices and higher costs

Vincent Hecquet, Félix Lucas, Claire Géry (Insee)

In 2022, the value of the agricultural production increased by 17.4%, in a global context of rising prices for energy, raw and agricultural materials.

The extremely hot and dry weather in the summer severely affected the cereal, protein crop, beet and potato harvests. Cereal production decreased by 10.9% in volume. In contrast, wine production increased by 32.2% in volume, although several vineyards were affected by heat or hail. As a result of these contrasting trends and dominated by price developments, vegetal production slightly increased in volume (+3.1%), but significantly in value (+18.6%). Animal production rose by 17.3% in value, due to the increase in prices, compensating for the drop in volumes.

Intermediate consumption in value rose by 12.4%, because of the soaring prices for animal feed, energy products and fertilisers. However, due to the strong increase in the value of production, the value added of the agricultural sector rose again significantly. Overall, according to the first estimates for the 2022 agricultural accounts, the gross value added at factor cost per worker would increase by 16.4% in real terms, after 11.5% in 2021.

Insee Première
No 1934
Paru le :Paru le15/12/2022