Insee Première · November 2022 · n° 1928
Insee Première2022 presidential and legislative elections: only one third of registered voters voted in all rounds

Kilian Bloch (Insee)

In 2022, 16% of registered voters for the presidential and legislative elections did not vote in any round of these elections (systematic abstention), 36% voted in all rounds (systematic voting) and 48% voted intermittently.

The presidential election was more popular than the legislative elections, particularly among young adults. The latter abstained more often in all rounds (24% of 18-34 year-olds). They preferred to vote intermittently (more than one young voter in two). Intermittent voting has decreased with age, while systematic voting has increased with age up to the age of 80: Systematic voting was in the majority among 70-79 year-olds. After 85, systematic abstention was high, far exceeding that of young people.

Participation increases with the standard of living and education level: 30% of systematic abstention among those with no diploma, compared to 10% among those with a high education level. Partly due to the social characteristics of their inhabitants, systematic abstention was particularly high in some urban underprivileged districts (Priority Neighbourhoods) and in the overseas departments.

Insee Première
No 1928
Paru le :Paru le17/11/2022