Insee Première · September 2022 · n° 1925
Insee PremièreNational Economic Wealth in 2021 The growth of the household net worth is increased by the property prices

Inès Karmous (Insee), Aurélien Ravary (Banque de France)

By the end of 2021, France’s national wealth (or net worth) amounted to 18,906 billion euros. Its expansion continued at a sustained pace, even faster than the previous year (+8.1% after +6.6%). The household net worth continued to expand at a fast pace (+8.0% after +6.5%) and amounted 14,600 billion euros. It was supported by the rise of property prices, and secondly by the financial assets ones. The non-financial corporations net worth reached 3,295 billion euros. Its pace of growth slowed down slightly (+5.5 % after +7.5 %), owing to the high rise of stock exchange prices. The financial corporation net worth decreased slightly (–2.1% after +34.0%); it amounted to 636 billion euros. Finally, the public administration net worth recovered, after two years of downturn, to reach 375 billion euros.

Insee Première
No 1925
Paru le :Paru le28/09/2022