Insee Première · September 2022 · n° 1922
Insee PremièreFour entrepreneurs out of ten were employees before creating their enterprise

Audrey Baillot, Sylvain Juliachs (Insee)

In 2018, if one gathered enterprise creators in seven groups, the most frequent was the one of former employees motivated by a desire for independence. Some creators have committed in entrepreneurship after some time spent in precariousness or after a long time away from the labour market in order to ensure their own employment. Experienced entrepreneurs, who had already started a business in the past, have founded a company and have invested more at the beginning of their activity. Those who looked for additional income have taken advantage of becoming « micro-entrepreneurs », a specific status for sole traders including simplified formalities. It is the case for employees willing to diversify their activity and keep their job at the same time, but also for recently retired people and more and more students.

Insee Première
No 1922
Paru le :Paru le15/09/2022