Insee Première · August 2022 · n° 1917
Insee PremièreIn the retail sector, businesses created within a retail network are more sustainable

Philippe Pottier (Insee)

In the retail trade, 61% of the enterprises set up in 2014 (excluding those under the microentrepreneur regime) were still in business five years later. One in six new enterprises was created within a brand network, a form of organisation that enables the pooling of resources and the promotion of a brand. Retail enterprises were less often active five years after being set up than those in other non-agricultural market sectors (65%), but their chances of survival were higher when they were created within a brand network (74%). In the retail trade, half of the business creators within a brand network had a higher-education qualification compared to less than four out of ten outside brand networks. Enterprises set up in a brand network benefited from more resources; half, compared with a quarter of those outside brand networks, started their business with at least 40,000 euros of financial resources. Half also had at least one employee a few months after being set up.

Insee Première
No 1917
Paru le :Paru le24/08/2022