Insee Première · July 2022 · n° 1914
Insee PremièreWages in the central civil service In 2020, the average net wage increased by 1.0% in real terms

Romain Bour (Insee), Gwendoline Volat (DGAFP)

In 2020, a central civil service employee earned on average 2,639 euros net per month per full-time equivalent. This average included all state employees in ministries and public institutions, except for hospital civil service and local civil service, whether or not they were on a civil servant status. In nominal terms (current euros), the average net wage increased by 1.4% in 2020. Adjusted for price increases, it rose by 1.0%, after remaining almost stable in 2019 (-0.1%).

Among the central civil service employees, the average net wage of civil servants increased in real terms by 1.1%, while that of employees on other status increased by 0.8%. The increase was slightly higher for civil servants in categories B (+1.4%) and C (+1.3%) than for those in category A (+0.8%).

Women's net wages were on average 13.8% lower than men's. The gap for the same age, grade, category, part-time work or not, status and type of employer narrowed slightly: 2.9%, after 3.1% in 2019.

For employees present throughout both years 2019 and 2020 with the same employer and the same work quota, i.e. two out of three employees in the central civil service, the average net wage increased by 2.2% in real terms.

Insee Première
No 1914
Paru le :Paru le12/07/2022