Insee Première · May 2022 · n° 1903
Insee PremièreGeneral government account in 2021 Strong rebound in revenues, further substantial increase in expenditure

Antoine Pointeaux (Insee)
Thierry Alarcon, Caroline Cann, Guillaume Jarousseau, Sylvia Roose (DGFIP),
Emmanuel Bordellès-Viala, Christophe Delétoille, Kevin Garcia, Guillian Lefevre, Pierre-Nam Lê Vu,
Amélie Morzadec, Thomas Ouin-Lagarde, Emmanuelle Picoulet, Victor Prieur, Alban Rochard (DG Trésor)

In 2021, the public deficit stood at 160.7 billion euros, after 205.5 billion euros in 2020, or 6.4% of gross domestic product after 8.9%. Expenditure linked to the health crisis was maintained, while that which had slowed down due to the shutdowns in 2020 rebounded. In addition, general government expenditure was stimulated by the ramping up of the recovery plan. On the other hand, public revenues increased sharply due to the rebound in activity and the financing of part of the recovery plan by the European Union. As in 2020, the general government deficit was driven by central government and social security administrations. The public debt amounted to 112.5% of GDP at the end of 2021, after 114.6% at the end of 2020.

Insee Première
No 1903
Paru le :Paru le31/05/2022