Insee Première · December 2021 · n° 1883
Insee PremièreProvisional account for agriculture for 2021 Widespread price increase

Vivien Heim, Philippe Lauraire, Claire Géry (Insee)

In 2021, agricultural production in value increased by 7.5%. This strong increase is dominated by price developments in the general context of rising commodity prices. The increase in agricultural production is most marked for crop production, particularly cereals (+46.2%), stimulated by the combined surge in volume and prices. On the other hand, wine production experienced a historic drop in volume (-19.4%). The value of animal production grew at a moderate pace, with the decline in volumes mitigating the price increase.

At the same time, intermediate consumption of farmers increased by 2.8 percent, mainly due to higher prices for energy and animal feed. As a result of the moderate increase in costs and the sharp rise in production, the value added of the agricultural branch has risen significantly. In total, according to the estimates from the forecast agriculture account, gross value added at factor cost per worker is expected to increase by 11.2% in 2021 in real terms, after a decline of 3.0 percent in 2020.

Insee Première
No 1883
Paru le :Paru le15/12/2021