Insee Première · October 2021 · n° 1877
Insee PremièreEmployees controlled by foreign firms are concentrated in the Northeast and in metropolitan areas

Samuel Balmand, Grégoire Borey, Laurent Lefèvre, Thibaut Martini, Olivasoa Razafindramanana,
Sébastien Samyn (Insee)

In 2018, in France, 13% of employees depend on foreign firms. They are mainly concentrated in manufacturing industry and trade. Half of these jobs are held by American, German and British multinationals.

Foreign control is strongest along the Belgian and German borders (up to 32% in the Haguenau employment zone), and is above average in most large metropolitan areas. A high rate of dependence of employment on foreign firms is often linked to the presence of large establishments, as around the parisian basin.
Foreign multinationals are less present in employment zones in the South and in the overseas departments, where the economy is more presential.

Insee Première
No 1877
Paru le :Paru le20/10/2021