Insee Première · March 2021 · n° 1843
Insee PremièreBrand networks account for almost 60% of sales of capital goods

Nadine Laïb (Insee)

In the retail sector for household durables, ICT products (information and communication technology) and leisure goods, 22,000 stores - a quarter of all stores - belong to one of 333 brand networks. They represent over half of total turnover and employment in the sector.

According to 2018 data, 38% of stores in brand networks are branches, 21% franchises and 18% cooperative stores. Franchises are preferred more by the youngest or developing networks.

Turnover per person is higher in integrated trade than in other forms of organised trade. However, value-added is higher for independent retailers (24%) than for brand networks (22%). Lastly, trading margins are similar for brand network stores and independents (38%).

Insee Première
No 1843
Paru le :Paru le17/03/2021