Insee Première · April 2021 · n° 1851
Insee PremièreIn 2017, 36% of households bought, sold, rented or exchanged with other individuals

Elvire Demoly, Émilie Pénicaud, Camille Schweitzer (Insee)

In 2017, 36% of households bought, sold, rented or exchanged for free goods or services with other households over the last twelve months. Most often taking the form of paid exchanges, these collaborative consumption practices were facilitated by the use of online platforms.

Households that bought from other households most often purchased clothing, cultural goods and services, or furniture. Sellers most often parted with clothes, vehicles or furniture. Free exchanges were mainly about services (childcare, DIY, etc.). Paid rentals were mainly about renting accommodation or carpooling.

During the year, 60% of both online buyers and sellers spent or received less than 200 euros for these peer-to-peer exchanges. Only 12% of online seller households earned more than 1,500 euros a year. In this case, they most often sold a second-hand vehicle. For renters, the financial gains could have been greater, especially in renting accommodation.

Better off and younger than average, households that traded with other households were also more likely to be couples with children. The accumulation of different practices (buying and selling, for example) was more common among the youngest and most gratuated households.

Insee Première
No 1851
Paru le :Paru le13/04/2021