Insee PremièreGeneral government account in 2019: the public deficit amounted to 3% of GDP

Victor Barry (Insee), Marie Cases, Florent Danion, Raphaël Lee, Pauline Meinzel, Emmanuelle Picoulet, Hugues Ravier, Simon Schatz (direction générale du Trésor), Thierry Alarcon, Aminata Charles, Guillaume Jarousseau, Anne Uteza (direction générale des Finances publiques)

In 2019, the Maastricht public deficit increased by 0.7 points of gross domestic product (GDP) compared to 2018 and amounted to 72.7 billion euros, or 3.0% of GDP. Adjusted for the transitory effect of the transformation of the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit (CICE) into reductions in social security contributions, it amounted to 2.1% of GDP. The deterioration in the deficit in 2019 stems primarily from the State, whose revenues declined, and, to a lesser extent, from local governments, whose investment accelerated sharply. The decline in revenues is mainly due to the transitory effect of the transformation of the CICE into social security contribution relief. In contrast, the surplus of the social security funds strengthened. The public debt-to-GDP ratio remained stable at 98.1 percent.

Insee Première
No 1801
Paru le :Paru le29/05/2020
Victor Barry (Insee), Marie Cases, Florent Danion, Raphaël Lee, Pauline Meinzel, Emmanuelle Picoulet, Hugues Ravier, Simon Schatz (direction générale du Trésor), Thierry Alarcon, Aminata Charles, Guillaume Jarousseau, Anne Uteza (direction générale des Finances publiques)
Insee Première No 1801- May 2020