Insee PremièreConsumption per capita: France is above EU’s average

Solenn Ily, Luc Sauvadet (division Synthèses des biens et des services, Insee)

In 2018, in France, actual individual consumption by households in volume per capita is 7% higher than the European Union’s average (EU). It stands close to that of most western and northern European countries. The French consume more than other Europeans in health, education, communication, housing, and transports. This higher level of consumption in volume is not related to lower price levels: on the contrary, prices of goods and services which are consumed in France are 7% higher than the European average. Since 1995, relative differences in consumption levels have decreased by half and those of price levels by a third. The convergence was almost continuous, except from 2009 to 2015 for prices. However, consumption and price levels still vary widely from one country to another, with a one to two ratio for the former and a one to three ratio for the latter.

Insee Première
No 1784
Paru le :Paru le27/11/2019
Solenn Ily, Luc Sauvadet (division Synthèses des biens et des services, Insee)
Insee Première No 1784- November 2019