Insee Focus36.6 million dwellings in France, excluding Mayotte, on 1st January 2019

Céline Arnold (division Logement, Insee)

On 1 January 2019, French housing stock, excluding Mayotte, amounted to 36.6 million housing units. In mainland France, 82% of housing units are main residences and 56% are individual housing units. The proportion of main residences has slightly decreased for 35 years, whereas the one of vacant accomodation has lightly increased. 16% of all main residences are located in the Paris region, while 39% of second homes are in rural areas. 58% of households are home owners, this proportion has remained stable since 2010.

Housing stock has grown more quickly in the overseas territories than in mainland France, approximately 2.5% annually on average for 35 years, compared to 1.1% in mainland France.

Insee Focus
No 173
Paru le :Paru le11/12/2019
Céline Arnold (division Logement, Insee)
Insee Focus No 173- December 2019