Insee FocusWomen and men on the labour market : less marked differences at the beginning of the working life

Junel Bernard (pôle Diplômes et spécialités de formation, Insee)

The differences on the labour market between women and men tend to decrease, but this statement varies depending on the time spend since the end of initial studies. Thus, if women and men have now close activity rates just after completing their studies, a significant gap exists for persons who finished them a longer time ago.

In terms of unemployment, the position of women, more favourable than for men at the beginning of the working life, becomes similar after. Once in employment, the discrepancies to the detriment of women persist regarding under-employment and limited-term employment and increase regarding wages.

Insee Focus
No 168
Paru le :Paru le13/11/2019
Junel Bernard (pôle Diplômes et spécialités de formation, Insee)
Insee Focus No 168- November 2019