Insee Focus610,000 people died in France in 2018 - Half of them died in the département where they were born

Sylvain Papon (division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee)

In 2018, 610,000 people died in France, the highest level since the end of the Second World War. Half of them died in their birth département. In the French Overseas départements and in northern France, the proportion of deaths in the birth département is much higher. On the other hand, this part is very low in Paris region (Île-de-France), which is an exception.

When it happens before their first birthday, more than 2 babies out of 3 died in the municipality where they were born.

Half of deaths occur in the municipality where people lived, but only a quarter of them occur at home.

Insee Focus
No 163
Paru le :Paru le01/10/2019
Sylvain Papon (division Enquêtes et études démographiques, Insee)
Insee Focus No 163- October 2019