Insee PremièreHousehold wealth in 2018 Downturn in levels of financial assets

Marie-Cécile Cazenave-Lacrouts, David Guillas, Guillaume Lebrault, division Revenus et Patrimoine des ménages, Insee

At the beginning of 2018, 93% of households living in France had financial, property or business assets. Nearly six out of ten households hold at least one financial asset other than a current account and at least one property asset. Between 2015 and 2018, asset levels fell, whether these were financial assets or, to a lesser extent, property assets.

In particular, after rising for ten years, holding a 'Livret A' tax-exempt savings account has fallen back since 2015. The fall in shareholdings has also continued since 2010. Conversely, life assurance holdings, particularly on risky investments, and housing savings plans have risen over the period.

Insee Première
No 1722
Paru le :Paru le03/12/2018
Marie-Cécile Cazenave-Lacrouts, David Guillas, Guillaume Lebrault, division Revenus et Patrimoine des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1722- December 2018