Insee PremièreWages in the state civil service In 2016, average net wages across all civil service grades increased by 0.2% in real terms

Julie Goussen, division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee, Natacha Gualbert, département des études, des statistiques et des systèmes d’information, DGAFP

In 2016, a state civil service employee earned an average net monthly wage of €2,505 per equivalent full-time post ; this average figure included all civil service employees in ministries and public institutions, whether or not they were civil servants. Between 2015 and 2016, the average net wage rose by 0.2% in real terms. As wages are stable on average for a given body, grade and scale, this increase is mainly due to a change in the composition of state civil service jobs. The average net wage of state civil servants increased by 0.4%, higher for C-category staff than for categories A and B, while that of non-civil servants fell by 0.1%. The average net wage in the ministries was €2,553, i.e. up 0.2% compared to 2015 ; it was €2,355 in the administrative public institutions, where it rose more strongly (+0.4%) due to the large number of category C staff in these institutions.

In 2016, wage disparities among state civil servants remain stable. On average, women's net wages were 14.3% lower than those for men, but the gap narrowed to 3.0% between men and women of the same age, grade, category and status (after being 3.2% in 2015).

In 2015 and 2016, employees working the whole year for the same employer and with the same work quota — i.e. almost two out of three employees in the state civil service — saw their average net wages increase by 1.7% in real terms. This reflects their increasing seniority and their career progression.

Insee Première
No 1708
Paru le :Paru le29/08/2018
Julie Goussen, division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee, Natacha Gualbert, département des études, des statistiques et des systèmes d’information, DGAFP
Insee Première No 1708- August 2018