Insee FocusFlorists, garden centres and pet shops: dynamic shopping outlets

Annie Blandin, division Commerce de détail, service Ésane, Insee

In 2015, in France, 13,200 companies were specialised in the retail sale of plants and pets. The sector generates 6 billion euros in sales revenue, a figure that has increased sharply over the past 15 years. Most of these companies employ zero or one worker, and operate on a selling surface of less than 100 m². Those with 10 employees or more earn 60% of their total sales revenue in the sector. Sales margin and employee expenses here are higher than those in other specialised non-food retail merchant sectors.

Insee Focus
No 98
Paru le :Paru le15/11/2017
Annie Blandin, division Commerce de détail, service Ésane, Insee
Insee Focus No 98- November 2017