Insee AnalysesUnpaid day in State civil service: fewer short-term absences, more long-term absences

Alexandre Cazenave-Lacroutz et Alexandre Godzinski, division Redistribution et politiques sociales, Insee

The first day of sick leave in civil service became an unpaid day as of 1 January 2012, then was struck down on 1 January 2014. According to the Employment survey, the mechanism did not significantly change the percentage of State civil servants absent for health reasons any given week of the year. In contrast, the measure did modify the breakdown of absences by duration. In particular, two-day absences for health reasons significantly decreased, while those extending one week to three months increased. The measure has also had mixed impacts: short-term absences decreased more amongst women, very young workers and employees working few days per week.

Insee Analyses
No 36
Paru le :Paru le10/11/2017
Alexandre Cazenave-Lacroutz et Alexandre Godzinski, division Redistribution et politiques sociales, Insee
Insee Analyses No 36- November 2017