Insee Première‘Auto-entrepreneurs’ registered in 2010: Five years later, less than a quarter are still in business

Damien Richet, pôle Démographie des entreprises et des établissements, Insee

Five years down the line, 23% of the auto-entrepreneurs registered in the first half of 2010 are still in business. Of the 62% who started an economic activity, 38% have lasted for five years. For the same generation, the proportion of traditional sole traders still in business after five years is much higher (50%).

The proportion of auto-entrepreneurs still in business after five years depends strongly on the sector they are in. It is highest in the health and social services sector (46%) and in education (35%). On the other hand, it is below average in the information-communication and retail sectors (19%).

The longevity of a business increases in line with the auto-entrepreneur’s age. It also depends on whether the business is the auto-entrepreneur's principal activity or not: If, initially, it is a secondary activity, the chances of it surviving for five years are lower.

On average, the auto-entrepreneurs registered in 2010 and still in business five years later report turnover of €10,200 in 2014, €400 lower than that reported two years earlier. For auto-entrepreneurs whose business is their principal activity, average annual turnover is €12,800; for those whose business is a secondary activity, it is €7,700.

Insee Première
No 1666
Paru le :Paru le19/09/2017
Damien Richet, pôle Démographie des entreprises et des établissements, Insee
Insee Première No 1666- September 2017