Insee PremièreOutdoor recreation spending in France Since 1960, sport has outstripped gardening

Antonin Briand et Philippe Serre, division Synthèses des biens et services, Insee

Since 1960, household spending on outdoor recreational goods and services has risen faster than total household consumption. This vitality can be explained partly by the growth in purchases of durable goods (such as bicycles, camper vans and cameras) from 1960-1973 and 1998-2007. However, the breakdown of spending has changed: Sport now accounts for a larger share of outdoor recreational activities than gardening. The share of spending on camping and various other outdoor recreational activities (amusement parks, pleasure boating, etc.) remains relatively stable over the period.

Outdoor sports are more popular among managers living outside major urban centres, while pensioners and couples without children prefer gardening. Camping is favoured mainly by the youngest and least affluent households, whereas outdoor recreational activities are generally quite expensive.

Insee Première
No 1664
Paru le :Paru le06/09/2017
Antonin Briand et Philippe Serre, division Synthèses des biens et services, Insee
Insee Première No 1664- September 2017