Insee PremièreIn 2014, a quarter of those who move home move to a different département

David Levy, Christophe Dzikowski, direction régionale de Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur, Insee

In 2014, 7.3 million people in France moved home. A quarter move to a different département. The south and west of France attract the most newcomers. Pensioners and workers account for much of the migration from north to south. They alone account for two thirds of those who move to a different département. 13% of students, i.e. 310,000, move to a different département; 80% of those students are concentrated in 36 département. The majority of those who move to a new département choose to set up home in the more densely populated areas. Suburban towns see more people coming in from the same département. The majority of those who move from densely populated areas to the suburbs are couples, either with or without children.

Insee Première
No 1654
Paru le :Paru le29/06/2017
David Levy, Christophe Dzikowski, direction régionale de Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur, Insee
Insee Première No 1654- June 2017