Insee FocusEnergy consumption in industry increased slightly in 2015, but the bill continues to come down

Marlène Bahu, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee

In 2015, gross energy consumption in industry grew by 2% compared with 2014 but was still well below the 2005 level. The rise reflects the increase in manufacturing output. At the same time, the energy bill continued to fall (-4% in current euros) due to the decline in the prices of petroleum products, gas and coal. Gross energy consumption was 36.3 million tonnes of oil equivalent and the energy bill stood at €14.5 billion. Gas and electricity remain the most consumed energy types.

Insee Focus
No 76
Paru le :Paru le09/02/2017
Marlène Bahu, division Enquêtes thématiques et études transversales, Insee
Insee Focus No 76- February 2017