Insee PremièreMore thefts and violent acts in Guadeloupe and French Guiana than in Metropolitan France

Carine Burricand, Lucile Jamet, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee

The population of Guadeloupe, and especially that of French Guiana, is more likely to fall victim to violent thefts or acts of violence than people living in Metropolitan France. The level of delinquency in Martinique, however, is similar to that in France. Most inhabitants of the Antilles-French Guiana departments consider that delinquency is the most worrying problem in society. On average, they are also twice as likely as those living in Metropolitan France to feel unsafe in their home, and also in their neighbourhood or their village, “often” or “from time to time”. The fact of having been a victim, or having witnessed aggression or violence, or living in a “degraded” environment reinforces this feeling of insecurity.

Insee Première
No 1632
Paru le :Paru le24/01/2017
Carine Burricand, Lucile Jamet, division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee
Insee Première No 1632- January 2017